GCSE Results Day 2024
Today's the day! GCSE Results Day is Thursday 22nd August 2024. This is when you’ll be able to get your results and found out those all-important grades. Let's run down everything you need to know for the big day and what happens next.

You’ve put in the hard work, now it’s time for the results! You may find yourself looking for a little clarity on GCSE results day - especially if it’s your first time picking up an academic result.

What time are GCSE results released?
Today, Thursday, 22nd August 2024, schools will open from around 8am for you to pick up your results. Check with your school to check their process, as some choose to stagger the times of students or may open later.
What to expect on the 22nd of August
This is definitely a nerve-wracking experience but try to stay calm. Have something to eat before you leave and try to get to school early, so you’re not spending your day worried.
It’s not usually required, but do take some form of photo ID when picking up your results. It’s also a good idea to bring any acceptance letters or contact details for your sixth form or college you’re interested in attending. This can be useful if you need to discuss options with your teachers after receiving your results. Chances are that you won’t need them, but better to be prepared than be left waiting!
When you arrive at your school, follow the signs to collect your results. Remember, you don’t have to go in alone. Your parents or guardians can come with you, or you can go with your friends - a bit of moral support never hurts.
What if I can’t collect my results from school?
It’s always better to collect your results in person, however if you’re unable to, there is no need to panic. You can either arrange for your school to post your exam results to you or ask a friend or family member to collect them for you. If someone does collect them on your behalf they will need to bring along a photo ID and a signed letter from yourself confirming they can pick up your results.
After you’ve phoned all your friends and family, or posted a few pics to your Instagram story, go and celebrate!

What do my results mean?
You are required to get at least a grade 4 or 5 in English and Maths no matter your plans after secondary school. These are basic grade requirements to get into college or sixth form. Most employers will also look for these, whether it’s a part-time or full-time job.
If you’re looking to go to college or sixth form, most have a minimum requirement for the amount of GCSEs you need to pass (grade 4 or above) to study there.
You can either take BTECS alone or combine them with A-levels.
How did I do compared to other students?
It's important that you don't compare yourself to other students. Not all students have the same results, and not everyone studied under the same circumstances.
That being said, the BBC has released GCSE stats for 2023, that show that 68.2% of GCSE grades were marked 4/C or higher. 22% of students have achieved the top grades, 7/A.
I got the grades - what’s next?
Congratulations! You got the grades and are ready to move forward in your education.
After you’ve phoned all your friends and family, or posted a few pics to your Instagram story, go and celebrate! You still have a few weeks left before you embark on Year 12, so take the time to relax and prepare.
You might find that you want to change your A-level choices. Maybe your results were better than expected, or you’ve just had a last minute change of heart. If so, contact your future college or sixth form.

I didn't get the grades I hoped for
If you didn’t get the grades you were hoping for, try not to panic. For Maths and English you will have to resit your GCSEs if you fail. These commonly take place in November. You won’t be able to start your A-levels until you have passed these. For other non-core subjects, such as History or Art, the wait is longer. Resits usually take place the following summer.
If you did not achieve the grades required to study at your chosen sixth form or college, start looking for alternatives. Remember, A-levels are not your only option.
What can I do instead of A-levels?
BTEC qualifications can be a great alternative to A-levels. They great if you prefer more hands-on learning with practical assignments or tests throughout your course. You can either take BTECS alone or combine them with A-levels.
If you have a particular career in mind, or you’re eager to get out into the working world, apprenticeships or NVQs are great alternatives. These combine qualifications with on-the-job training.