Biomedical Science Personal Statement

Table of contents

Why do you want to study this course or subject?

I have always aspired to pursue a career that shows my passion for science. As my learning developed, I realised biology was the science I found the most interesting. A complex subject requires a wealth of knowledge. I have a passion for studying organisms and the anatomy of our bodies. I believe that this is an excellent career path that I am keen to embark on. Reading current news within biology shows that there are constantly new techniques frequently surfacing such as Genetically Modified Organisms and bacteria such as how men and women alter a home’s bacteria differently. Learning about these new concepts is one that stimulates me to continue expanding my education. I do enjoy having new challenges as this leads to motivating me to excel in all that I undertake. I am excited to embark on the next stage of my life, which is gaining a career that I believe I will thoroughly enjoy, will challenge me and hopefully gain immensely from my contribution.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

Currently, I am studying Applied Science. There are many units within my course, which relates to bioscience, although these are small previews of the wider spectrum it is very intriguing to learn the complexities. For example, I have carried out physiological investigations involving assessing the health of an individual and how food affected their blood sugar. This was an interesting study to carry out as I had the opportunity to test blood samples to see how much sugar was within blood by using a blood sugar monitor with the lancet. I also studied AS biology where we looked at cells & their structures, enzymes, digestion system, cardiovascular system to name a few and I demonstrated my ability to apply biological knowledge to data from real scientific investigations.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

I recently have had the privilege to attend a genetics workshop at Imperial College London, we tested foods to see if they were genetically modified by extracting DNA and using Polymerase chain reactions then analysing our results with gel electrophoresis. I gained a lot from this experience using equipment that I will be using if I was to study bioscience such as micropipettes & a thermal cycler. I have also had the privilege to undertake pharmacy work experience for 2 weeks. This involved me shadowing a community pharmacist. I observed the pharmacist where I saw him create and distribute pharmacy-dispensing labels. I observed a range of patients who came in to collect their medication such as the elderly for pain relief or antibiotics and drug addicts for their drug replacement medications such as methadone. The pharmacist explained the effects of certain medicines on the body, such as methadone which gives similar effects of heroin except it does not produce the same level of a high feeling as heroin itself. I also observed him manage the team of dispensers to ensure no mistakes were made. They had to work together to deliver patients medicines efficiently but safely which relates to laboratory settings as the team has to work together efficiently for mistakes not to be made. I volunteered at an Acute District Hospital for 2 years every Saturday where I aided nurses in the care of the elderly. My role included feeding patients, changing beds, interacting with patients and their families and answering the ward-designated telephones. I had the opportunity to see nurses and doctors give patients medications and saw pharmacists come to the ward to discuss patients' medications with doctors. In these 2 years, I learned to manage my time appropriately as I went to the ward every Saturday morning for 3 hours, it taught me compassion as they were elderly patients a lot more time and attention is needed towards them. It also showed me how important teamwork is the nurses, doctors and healthcare assistants on the ward had to constantly be working together communicating clearly to ensure patients are delivered the best care.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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