PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

Submitted by Shelby

Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

Submitted by Shelby

Like the music pieces that I play on the piano, the human body is very intricately designed. From the convolute spirals of DNA, the abstruse curves of a cell, to the labyrinthine network of organ systems – every detail contributes to the mechanical functions of our bodies. A phenomenon which proves the great vitality and yet delicacy of the flesh and bones that makes ‘us’. Hence, it should be of priority to look after the embodiment of ourselves and everything within it although, often, it is reality that inhibits us from doing so. This is why I want to study biomedicine – to be involved in developing future treatments and to unravel the mysteries of disease and the human body.

Ever since my first work experience at the Royal London Hospital, I was perplexed as the renal consultant explained that instances may occur where the body’s own immune system may attack a transplanted kidney. Afterwards, I explored the different diseases that accompany kidney failure such as diabetes, and how this linked to insulin function in the body as well as the disruption of homeostasis. I have learnt that a way to ensure homeostasis, is by checking blood pressure and blood glucose levels – something that I was able to learn when taking the blood pressure of patients at UCLH last summer.

Biology A-Level has introduced me to the complex mechanisms that occur in our immune system in reaction to foreign organisms. The interaction of B-cells, T-cells and macrophages in the immune response has a great effect on our body’s defence against pathogens. Particularly, learning about the mutation of viruses and HIV’s use of RNA manipulation to invade T-cells, has sparked my interest in the topic of microbiology within biomedicine.

Throughout the completion of my EPQ project, I independently researched studies that looked at Vitamin D deficiency and its link to the immune system after it was found that vitamin D receptors were present on the surface of our white blood cells as well as on the surface of almost every other cell and tissue in the body. This has interested me in the research aspect of the course and has helped me to appreciate the work that has been done to advance my knowledge in the medical field. By doing the EPQ, I have developed my skills in research and increased my confidence in delivering presentations to a class. Much like how I have witnessed the children I teach singing and dancing to improve, I also want to witness the development of the medical field first-hand.

Via the Sutton Trust Programme, I was able to study biomedical sciences at Durham University and conducted research on Multiple Sclerosis. By efficiently managing my time, I developed a presentation on the cause and treatment of MS and its effects on individuals. Understanding the way that the autoimmune disease works is so interesting as it shows how sensitive our immune system is, and is the reason for my interest in the immunology aspect of biomedicine. Through this experience, I was able to increase my precision in working with lab equipment and in communicating with my team as part of a science project.

Aside from academic experiences, I have been able to develop my confidence and leadership skills by being the Youth President in my church and through participating in the concerts held at school, playing the lead role of ‘Dorothy’ in the school musical in Year 11. I love to sing and play the piano as a hobby which, I believe, has helped me to become both creative and analytical as I study academic subjects at A-Level. Every week after playing the organ in church services, I volunteer at the ‘health booth’ to conduct a regular health check with NHS nurses which has helped me to develop my interpersonal skills when dealing with people of all ages.

To develop the depth in my knowledge and use that to provide the backdrop for providing the treatment for patients is what I see myself doing in the future. Thus, the key to unlocking this dream is through studying biomedicine.

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