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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
The capabilities of the human body are endless. The way that metabolic processes interconnect on a molecular scale to keep our bodies functioning is breath-taking. Mechanisms such as the 'flight or fight response' is just one example of instincts embedded in our bodies to aid survival, and that fascinates me. I want to be able to explore other methods of analysing samples and learn how the nature of organisms affect their survival. Studying Biology at degree level will allow me to explore the science further and can allow me to explore disabilities during any independent research topics. Being a carer for my brother, I can see how disability affects individuals and how music therapy helps. Experiencing disability has just strengthened my passion for Biology. I know being surrounded by like-minded people will encourage me to explore Biology further.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
Chemistry and Maths are subjects that have enabled me to build my analytical and problem-solving skills. The sciences involve practicals which have taught me how to accurately carry out titrations, chromatography as well as identification tests; all techniques needed in the further study of Biology. Studying Maths has allowed me to explore different ways data can be interpreted before formulating a report. I visited Imperial College where I used their facilities to; separate proteins using gel electrophoresis, analyse amino acids using thin layer chromatography and colorimetry to determine protein concentration. I was tasked with producing accurate and reproducible results. This visit gave me the experience to confidently use specialised equipment when determining contents of solutions. This comes up repeatedly in all areas of Biology.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
I enjoy learning through documentaries which cover the natural world and breakthroughs in technology. Watching these documentaries allow me to learn about new modernisations when they occur, which is vital as with developing technological advances in the world, Biology is forever changing. I also enjoy reading fiction and I find the storyline completely entraps me. Research has shown that fiction allows people to learn more as well as have a more humane way of thinking. All sciences involve some degree of ethical and moral boundaries and I find being able to understand different viewpoints allows me to explore other ways in which science can benefit others without infringing on their beliefs. I took part in the National Citizen Service, which built my teamwork and independence skills. I found that being away from home; I was able to grow as a person and gain a glimpse of university life, understanding the independence that comes with undertaking a degree. I also took part in Envision, a Community-Apprentice leadership programme which helped me to develop my communication, organisation and resilience over 9 months. Vital to any degree subject, these skills prepare me for the laborious and stimulating educational advances that I will undertake after Sixth form. These skills will allow me to work well in groups as well as allow me to contribute to university life. As a prefect, I'm given the responsibility of representing the school on open days for both secondary and sixth form. Both the school as well as peers see me as a person who can build good relationships as well as demonstrate leadership qualities. All attributes needed for a well-rounded student. I was part of a four-week music therapy course. We went over how disabilities cover a spectrum and how music allows people of all ages to explore individuality. The course allowed me to explore how techniques that target patients mentally allow more understanding of how disabilities have an effect on people and their cognitive ability. Music can convey tone and mood and allow, people who might not otherwise have a way of expressing themselves, to connect with their emotions and the people who surround them.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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