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Why do you want to study this course or subject?

My interest in studying economics is born from my growing up in the wake of an economic crisis that affects both my present and my future. The huge rise in unemployment and poverty that followed the great recession are things that mean my generation face a great struggle as we leave education and enter the working world. Economics is a subject grounded in that which affects the lives of people all over the world today; it is constantly evolving and growing and there is always more to be found and learnt which I believe makes it a truly brilliant subject. Few other subjects have foundations in both maths and human nature, but I believe that economics is something which really allows people to see how the two connect. I think studying economics at university can help me to change the world – to truly affect lives and improve them for the better, to narrow the wealth gap that allows few to live in luxury and many to suffer poverty, when that need not be the case.

How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?

At AS-level I studied Mathematics, English Literature, Physics and Economics. Studying economics at AS-level was one of the first times I truly encountered the subject, and learning it with little to no prior knowledge only made it that much more interesting to discover. I find both micro and macroeconomics hugely intriguing to learn, as both play a part in the way that countries are run globally, and I feel that understanding and employing knowledge of both are essential for the betterment of societies everywhere. Although I used to believe that maths, while enjoyable for me, had no roots in the real world, economics is something that really showed me how very much it does. This means that I am very keenly interested in the mathematical side of maths – econometrics is one of my favourite disciplines within economics. I find it so interesting because it seems to me that using these models and equations we can predict humanity’s behaviour, and almost tell the future. In that regard, one can almost see economics as being magical; it incites a passionate interest in me and I would love to take the subject on to a deeper knowledge.

What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?

I recently did work experience at a management practice, which helped me develop my organisational skills and taught me a lot about businesses and management, two areas which are heavily entrenched in economic theory. I spent much of my time there working closely with the manager and owner of the company, and learnt directly from him what it took to start up and effectively run his business. Many of the things I learnt from him were echoes of that which I learnt from economics, and the reality of how theory is applied in the real world is another reason I want to study economics so much. I’ve always been passionate about trying new things and learning new skills, and generally try to overcome any challenges that come my way without backing down. As a member of a girls guiding unit, I learned a lot about how to work as part of a team, and also gained leadership skills as I entered the senior section and worked for my young leaders qualification. Working towards my gold Duke of Edinburgh award has taught me a lot about long-term commitment and dedication, and has motivated me to pursue many different new interests, such as Ju Jitsu lessons. The pursuit of this martial art gave me a lot of new self-confidence as I learnt self-defence, and it has also taught me a lot about self-discipline. I spent a lot of time reading about world events and watching the news, and learning about the horrors and troubles faced by the entire world all the time is something that fuels my passion for economics. I believe that as far as we have come as a race, there is still so much further we can go, and so many more ways we can improve, by growing and learning, the lives of people around the globe.

Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.

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