PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Economics and Finance Personal Statement

Economics and Finance Personal Statement

Over recent years I have developed a passion for looking at current events and how they affect the economy. This interest originates from the enjoyment I get from using maths to analyse a problem, as many situations can be explained clearly using maths. Economics is a subject that is very much alive and this is what makes it interesting to me. Every day there are new situations that economists can explore and analyse and I find this prospect extremely exciting.

Studying Pre-U Economics has increased my enthusiasm for the subject as I enjoy following macroeconomic debate in the UK and learning how globalisation changes markets. I have gained insights about how firms have had to react to globalisation and how nations use protectionism as a way of preventing industries from collapsing. The analytical skills that I have developed in Physics have proved particularly helpful as I can transfer these skills to Economics, despite them being quite different subjects. I enjoy following financial markets where you can see how the economic impacts of global events play out and have recently setup a paper trading account.  The trading application helps further my understanding of the impacts of economic events.  I can test my hypothesis of a particular event against the change in markets and improve my understanding.

I became interested in the socioeconomic elements of development and international aid after reading ‘Dead Aid’ by Moyo. The idea of ‘trade not aid’ resonated with me and led me to conduct further research which led me to conclude that having a skilled labour force would be more economically beneficial than trade. Reading ‘Awakening Giants’ by Bardhan gave an interesting insight at the speed at which China has become a leading economy.

I have also enjoyed exploring the world of economics through work experience, the first of which was with Tradition, a global financial services firm.  I learnt how to analyse and rank different trading strategies based on historical data modelling.  At Guardian Stockbrokers I witnessed in real-time the impact of macro and microeconomic data on different asset classes. I set up a demo trading account on the company’s platform to experience first-hand how the slightest change in the economic outlook  can influence the market price. Last summer I secured a place in HSBC’s work experience programme for 6th form students. I learnt about different aspects of retail banking and gained insight into how a retail bank works. This helped put some perspective as to how banking has changed over the years after the financial crisis.

Last year, I was selected to represent my school in a Physics symposium and as part of the team my role was to apply my analytical skills and communicate the results to my team. This opportunity helped with my team building skills.  I have also experienced how to set up a company and run a profitable business when I was appointed the company Financial Director for the young enterprise scheme. I gained insight into how to conduct meetings and improve my presentation and negotiation skills. I enjoy playing classical guitar and have had the opportunity to perform in school concerts throughout my school years. As an active member of the school Charity and Community Service committees I help the local community by volunteering at the day shelter for the homeless and the YMCA cafe. This experience provided me with a different perspective on life. Throughout school I have captained and toured with many school teams playing tennis, football and cricket.

Everyday something new happens in the economic world, I would love to be part of an undergraduate course that analyses these events. This is why Economics is my chosen course and I look forward to expanding my knowledge in this field at undergraduate level and, hopefully, further.

This student also took a year abroad too. 

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