PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Economics (with Sandwich Year) Personal Statement

Submitted by Thomas

Economics (with Sandwich Year) Personal Statement

Submitted by Thomas

The world is a contrasting place and this is no different for the economies around the world. I experienced this when visiting Thailand. Bangkok is a much-evolved area of the country with high-rises and luxury hotels showing evidence of spending. When visiting my family, I witnessed a totally different side of the country. The more rural parts of Thailand are undeveloped still using out of date technology, a complete contrast from the city. This caught my attention and ignited my interest in the development in countries, their distribution of wealth and how their economies work. It also made me begin to question if other countries were similar or differing in the issue.

After taking an interest in world economies I decided to take economics at A-level. This is where I really started to enjoy learning about all the fundamental ideas that make up every economy. The Student Investor challenge introduced me to markets and how to study them. This opportunity gave a taster for what working with stocks and in trading would be like. From this I learnt how macroeconomic changes, such as Brexit can affect the UK stock markets as well stock markets around the world. I was intrigued by a recent lecture from Professor Branko Milanovic where he presented data about levels of inequality globally and in countries of contrasting development. I was surprised to see that in highly developed countries such as the USA, the level of inequality is rising. The gap between the countries richest and poorest people is growing where one would assume that in the modern day and age this would be closing. I want to explore deeper into topics such as how economics effects inequality around the world and how I can change an ever-present problem.

During the course of Year 12 I took the opportunity to help younger students in the school with their studies, teaching maths and geography and re-enforcing topics they may not have understood. I was able to test my own knowledge in these subjects, cementing my own understanding making me more comfortable. My enthusiasm for economics persuaded me to continue teaching in Year 13, helping students with AS economics in class. During this experience I introduced the fundamental ideas of aggregate demand and the 4 components that make it up. I taught students chains of analysis that are key for explaining how a change in one thing such as consumer confidence can lead to a change in inflation. Teaching proves very useful for my confidence in the subject. Alongside this I worked with the Economics department producing displays and writing about important economists. In school I earnt the opportunity to work within the prefect team. From the role, I was participated in events such as open days. I was able to exercise my leadership skills when having to take parents on tours of my school. This was a great confidence builder as interaction with parents when answering their questions showed I can think on my feet.

Outside of school, I took interest in my boroughs local housing plan which included building on the ground of my cricket club. I helped lobby and win the campaign against the local council as I believed that the boroughs housing requirements could be met without having to build on green belt land. I helped with demonstrations and public debates, proving that the plan was not suitable and the development of the land would have been unsustainable. In addition to academic related activities, I play the trumpet. I have achieved grade 6 from performing which has greatly improved my improvisation.

Contrasting development across the world has really fascinated me. The ever-changing state of economies around the world and inequality in these countries has driven me to want to study economics at university. I would like understand more about contrasts in development and be able to make a difference in trying to close the gap between the richest and poorest around the world.

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