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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
I am a naturally inquisitive person who enjoys learning about the body; one particular interest is how biology fits into many elements of other scientific fields such as medicine and chemistry. This passion has grown through college and I wish to carry on my studies to find answers to the questions that my A-levels have not answered. Gaining exposure to a clinical environment confirmed to me that I would like to pursue a career in medicine and work closely with patients and other healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat patients. As part of the Sutton Trust Summer School, I travelled to St Andrews, and spent a week at the University studying Biology and Medicine. This experience gave me an insight into studying at university level as well as enabling me to apply theory learnt during lectures to the practical sessions. We also had numerous lectures on anatomy which I loved and hope to continue learning about at university.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
While studying GCSE Science, my passion for Biomedical science grew through engaging in practical sessions such as dissections and biochemical tests. A-Level Biology has given me a hands-on approach to practical sessions, including assessing the effectiveness of antibiotics on microbial growth using aseptic techniques. This further expanded my skills of controlling the spread of microbes. Furthermore, I have completed many dissections, including the heart; this was especially fascinating as I could physically see the anatomy of the heart, not just from diagrams in a textbook. Alongside Biology, I am currently studying History and Chemistry. These subjects have provided me with skills that I will need throughout my university life. In particular, Chemistry has given me a strong set of laboratory skills and a vast knowledge of statistical tests needed to analyse if my results are significant and also the ability to solve problems. Moreover, History has instilled confidence in my ability to write an academic piece of writing and improved my analytical skills.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
For work experience I was offered the chance to shadow clinicians in a radiology department. I experienced Computerised Tomography (CT) scans being given to oncology patients in order to see if their chemotherapy was successful. I found it fascinating that due to medical advancements, it is possible for CT scans to look at soft tissues, bones and blood vessels which can also tell us which stage the cancer is at. In addition, I took the opportunity to get a qualification in first aid. In my spare time I like to keep up to date with the latest advancements in biology by reading articles on the BBC news and The Scientist Magazine. A recent breakthrough has identified a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease through gene therapy. This has inspired me to carry out my own research to develop drugs to target genes, to reverse the effects of diseases.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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