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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
The field of science has always intrigued me and that is why I want to study biomedicine. Science is such a broad, interesting subject, not only does the subject encompass many specialties but from these fields I can choose from many different professions. What also pulls me towards this subject is the fact that I do not need to make this decision from the onset of my degree course. The course begins open-ended and then I have the freedom to choose my specialism later on so this will help me to choose a profession that I will undoubtedly enjoy for the rest of my life. One of the main reasons as to why I choose something that is medical related is because of my parents. Both my parents suffer from many illnesses and has affected my life too as I have been in and out hospitals and GPs with them all the time. Nevertheless, without these services, we would not be where we are today, so seeing these doctors help my parents since my infancy has really brought out my altruistic side and inspired me to help others the way strangers helped my parents hence why I want to devote my life to helping others. Therefore, I would love to study and research a lot so that I can help others and make a breakthrough discovery of my own.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
I have also achieved a merit in grade 1 piano, won a bronze award for Crest Awards and I have been the school prefect which has helped me gain the skills of good leadership, initiative and good time management, skills which are essential for someone who wants to do biomedicine. I really do aspire that one day I can really become a part of this community and help society, especially now that technology has developed worldwide which will mean that cures and new discoveries could be found much quicker and I hope to be a part of this as it is something that does excite me. Therefore, the medical field is the way forward to life wherever you are in the world, and without scientific breakthroughs, life is short.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
Recently on BBC Two there was a programme called ‘Incredible Medicine: Dr Weston's Casebook’ which helped me gain an insight into the medical world. What intrigued me was the fact that even extreme medical conditions that were rare, such as a girl born with her heart outside her body or a man who could withstand extreme cold conditions through different breathing techniques, eventually found solutions to their conditions with doctors’ help, which I found mind blowing because they found a diagnosis. This showed me how amazingly complex the human body is, and how much there is still left to discover. I tend to read articles on medicine and health on a website called Medical News Today so that I am aware of what is going on with the world of science so far. By doing this, I can gain a deeper understanding of this subject, and also keep myself up to date with any new discoveries or cures—which is important for all aspiring biomedical practitioners. Moreover, I have done work experience abroad at a hospital in Albania called Spitali Universitar "Shefqet Ndroqi” for one week during the summer holidays. I was placed in the emergency department where by it was specialised in the lungs so that anyone who came to that hospital, had a problem related to their lungs. This experience helped me to come to the realisation that this career is what I want to pursue without a doubt and made me value the NHS free health care system. As well as that, I am going to start volunteering at North Middlesex Hospital and I am waiting to start any time soon in which I am looking forward to do so that I can give back to the community and spend my free time wisely. My other interests consist of knitting and crocheting which requires a lot of patience and good hand eye coordination, which is needed for someone who wants to carry out research in labs. Furthermore, I love all sports, and I am especially good at basketball, netball, badminton and baseball and with this, I would love to join a sports team at university.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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