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Why do you want to study this course or subject?
My experience of shadowing a community pharmacist was a watershed in which I realised the full extent of roles of this profession in its setting. Changing demographics of the UK population have placed high demands on the National Health Service. Recent changes, allowing pharmacists to be independent prescribers have, however, introduced person-centred characteristics, thus making available more healthcare professionals to the benefit of service users, to alleviate the situation. The retail element of pharmacy is crucial to effective control of drugs, placing the demand for trustworthiness on pharmacists. Religious Studies, as my third subject has enhanced my understanding of the ethical implications of this responsibility to the public. This has also provided me with the sensitivity to communicate only medically relevant information to patients whilst allowing them to make their own decisions regarding compliance and/ or adherence, according to their respective beliefs. I believe I have the requisite background academic knowledge and experience to pursue an intensive Pharmacy course at university level that allow me to embark on a career that will be rewarding to both myself and the community or any other setting that I find myself in.
How have your qualifications and studies helped you to prepare for this course or subject?
Studying Chemistry and Biology has awakened my fascination for the compositions of compounds and their characteristics and behaviour, and desire to study them at a higher level. I enjoy the mathematics of Chemistry and the high precision involved in interactions between molecules, as this allows application of my analytical skills, and gain insights, not only of their manufacturing dynamics, but also their kinetic characteristics. Biology has enhanced my understanding of basic physiological and behavioural characteristics of the human body, and resulting intricacies of their interactions. Of particular personal relevance is my improved knowledge and cognisance of the regulation of blood glucose, which has facilitated the support I provide for a close relative with Type II Diabetes. Being a pharmacist requires having a range of skills, some of which I developed through various roles at school and in extra-curricular activities.
What else have you done to prepare outside of education, and why are these experiences useful?
My fluency in spoken and written Urdu and Punjabi will be beneficial in reducing language barriers among service users within my local community. In school, my roles as originator and administrator of a student-run blog and social platform have enhanced my writing and leadership skills. Membership of my school's Fairtrade Committee has provided the opportunity to plan and run events, as well as public speaking to raise awareness of global fair trade. These efforts have enhanced my confidence, organisational and communication skills as well as my sense of equity. I also run a drama club, serve as Biology and Religious Studies mentor, and a Key Stage prefect for junior students, which have increased my interpersonal skills, since these roles involve using strategies to motivate participants towards smooth transition to their senior years. I have previously volunteered in a charity shop where I organised stock and used the cash till. My previous work experience session at a local pharmacy, in addition to shadowing a community pharmacist, involved carrying out various functions. I am currently beginning another session at a different shop, performing similar roles of helping in stock control and prescription deliveries. I realise the need for effectiveness and efficiency in pharmacy practice, especially in challenging situations. My drive for these work attributes were recognised by being nominated for team leadership during the 2016 National Citizenship Service, with tasks to delegate and motivate team members towards target attainment. My ability to accept challenges was also rewarded by attainment of my school's Bronze, Silver and Gold Spirit of Queen Mary's, as well The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, both based on completing a series of specified tasks.
Disclaimer: We've adapted this personal statement to reflect the 2025 personal statement changes. All information and examples are the student's own and we've kept the language as close to the original as possible.
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