Student Finance

Cheap Student Holidays

Uni Compare  · Feb 28th 2022

For many students, the idea of going on holiday when at university seems like a pipe-dream, but there are still plenty of cheap student holidays available.

Saving money

Does this mean that you’ll be sunning it up on a beach in Bora Bora, or taking the train from Beijing to Hong Kong? Probably not, no. But you will still have the chance to go on holiday to some pretty interesting and exotic places, by booking some good cheap student holidays.

You don't even necessarily have to go abroad, you can look at cheap student holidays in the UK if you want, which will allow you to visit caravan parks, cheap all-inclusive student holidays, hostels, hotels and more.

Cheap student holidays Europe

Where can I go on a cheap student holiday?

There are plenty of places for student cheap holidays, so don’t worry, you can find student holidays cheap!

Looking for student holidays can be tough, as it requires you to think of a few things beforehand, such as:

  • Are you looking to go with anyone?
  • How long are you going for?
  • Have you got the appropriate insurance?
  • How much money do you have to spend?
  • Have I got the right visas?

All of these things are vital when looking at the best cheap student holidays, even if you can get a cheap holidays student discount.

Studying abroad is a common thing to want to do as a university student, but not everyone gets the chance to do so, unless they take advantage of incentives like the Turing Scheme, which is designed to help students study abroad in Europe, though make sure you have your European Health Insurance sorted beforehand.

Studying abroad isn’t just limited to Europe, you can also look into studying in America, just make sure you have the correct visa for it.

This depends on when your university term has ended, whether that be breaking up for the summer or that be breaking up for half-term.

Work out who is going

Going on a cheap student holiday is all well and good, but you need to establish who exactly will be going with you on your holiday.

Many couples like to go away and will look for cheap couple holidays, which can definitely lighten the cost on your wallet, but you need to make sure that you both have the time off university and work to go on any cheap holidays for student couples.

If you're going with friends, then you will need to think about the cheap student holidays abroad or in the UK that will entice them as well, consider the cost of taxi fares, the accommodation and how you will split the fees with friends.

Cheap student holidays 2022

When is the best time to go on cheap student holidays?

This depends on when your university term has ended, whether that be breaking up for the summer or that be breaking up for half-term. Try not to book during uni term time, as you’ll end up missing important lectures and things to do.

If you have time off, it’s best to look at something small, to begin with, like cheap student beach holidays, although, if you and your friends can afford cheap student ski holidays, then jump in!

It’s best to wait around for the best deals in situations like this and, as with everything else in life, the more advance your booking, the cheaper it will work out in the long run for you.

There are plenty of places for student cheap holidays, so don’t worry, you can find student holidays cheap!

What activities can I do on cheap student holidays?

There’s plenty to do in other countries, whether that be looking at the history of the city you’re in, enjoying the beach or even finding out who’s the better skier on any cheap ski holidays student! Going abroad can mean that alcohol is cheaper as well, especially when students are involved.

And there is always plenty of cheap places for student holidays, but picking them out is quite a different thing.

Plenty of people also take a gap year as a way of getting out of the UK or experiencing new things, we have a guide to a number of great places for you to look at for a gap year and for you to go on holiday too:

For those looking to stay a bit closer to home, you can check out some cheap student Europe holidays with our study abroad guides.

We have some guides that look into studying abroad in different European countries, take a look and see which ones are best for you.

You will always be able to find cheap student holidays and they will always have a wide range of activities and opportunities, and who knows, you might even find a country that you want to study in, in the end!

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